How can you improve your website referencing by creating a SEO strategy?

Before talking about the strategy, what is SEO?

SEO means Search Engine Optimization. It is a practise used to improve your referencing on search engines, for instance Google. In other words, if your website appears in the top 3 on Google, your SEO strategy is working. The goal is to increase the traffic on your website through organic search engine results. 

In the case of Dubchies: we identified some keywords related to our activity that are going to be used by our target. Then, we will adopt an SEO strategy with these keywords to be on the top research on Google. Let’s take as an example a student who will go to Dublin soon. He is looking for some tips about finding an apartment, so he will probably use “apartment Dublin” as a request on Google. And thanks to our article “How did we find our apartment in Dublin?”, our blog will hopefully be on the top results.


Set up your goals

The first thing you need to do before thinking about your keywords and your content strategy is what goals do you want to reach? To set up a durable and smart strategy you will have to define some SMART goals, meanings Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely goals. It could be the number of visitors per day on your website, or the average time on your home page. It could also be the number of sales if you have an online store etc…

In the case of Dubchies: we have set up a specific goal regarding the pages visited by our target. Our goal is more than 1 page per session on our blog. Besides, we have also established a duration goal, which means that to reach this goal, our target has to spend at least one minute on our blog.

Moreover, you will have to define the resources and the time you will allocate to your SEO strategy. In order to plan your strategy, you have to think about how many people will work on it, how many hours per week etc…

Digital Marketing

The top 4 things that might influence your SEO

In order to create the perfect SEO strategy, you have to pay attention to some features that might influence your SEO in the good way or in the wrong way if you don’t take them into account.

The Loading time

The loading speed through your pages on your website is very important for your SEO. If your website loads in 3 seconds it is a good thing. If it is more than 6 seconds for instance, your target will click on another website for sure and in addition to that you will also lose some places on Google ranking. You can install some plugins, such as WP Rocket or WP Super Cache that might help you improve your loading time.

The content

The content is like what flour is to the baker. In other words, you have to put your different keywords in your content in order to attract your target. By using your keywords as a request on Google, your target will easily find your website. 

Moreover, you have to write good quality content that answers your target needs.

Title Tag and Meta Description

The title tag is an HTML element that describes the title of your page or your article. 

In the case of Dubchies: we broadcasted an article on the use of Big Data in websites’ strategy. In order to be referenced by search engines we named our article "How can you build your blog strategy by using consumer's data?".

The meta description is another HTML element which gives a description, summarize of your content on a page. You have to put some keywords in your meta description to be well referenced as well.


The backlinks are links from one website to another website. If your website scores with a high level of backlinks, Google will appreciate that and it will improve your organic ranking on search engines results.

As you may have understood, a smart SEO strategy is very useful in order to improve your organic ranking on search engines. The key is to analyse your target and their requests in order to collect powerful keywords. Then, you have to provide good quality content and images that are responsive to every device. Finally, you have to adopt a backlinks strategy to attract more people and therefore increase your traffic.

#referencing #seo #strategy #keywords #content #marketing

Emma Griffon

Storm, M., 2019. SEO Principles: 7 SEO Fundamentals to Help Your Campaign Succeed. [online] WebFX Blog. Available at: <> [Accessed 7 February 2021].

Whitman, M., 2020. 5 Basic SEO Principles to Increase Your Website Traffic - Multichannel Merchant. [online] Multichannel Merchant. Available at: <> [Accessed 7 February 2021].


  1. Hi, I follow your account on Instagram @dubchies

    I could never imagine that there is so much background work in a blog. I also write articles on a community blog where the main subject is food.
    So my articles are very complete with a lot of photos and videos. Do you think that SEO can also be applied to the images in my blog?

    Thank you for your answer!
    Can't wait to read about your future adventures!

    #dubchies #seo #food #content #image #fan #sohappy

    1. Hi Nini,

      Good question!

      You are right, your choice of images could affect your SEO. You need to optimize your images for your website on every device (laptop, mobile…) and also optimize it for search engines. Therefore, you have to pay attention to the format and the size of your images. Then, if you upload heavy ones, this must affect your loading time so you need to compress them. To do so, there are a lot of plugins you can use such as or EWWW Image Optimizer. Besides, you should add a description of your image in the alternative text of it, in order to help your referencing.

      We hope we answered your question!

      have a nice day!

      #dubchies #seo #dublin #exchange #scholarship

  2. Hi,

    Thank you for this interesting article! I agree that SEO is key and that finding the right keywords help to get a better ranking. I also believe that nowadays, having a good group of keywords might not be enough. Indeed, as you pointed out, we need more and to think of different aspects of a website such as the loading time. Nowadays, it has been shown that the users are researching not only through keywords but are also more detailed while searching for something. Knowing the “golden keywords” and also the natural language of the target will help to get a better rank. This means that it is important to know our target to know which questions they could ask themselves.

    Have a good day!



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