5 rules for a perfect mobile design

 5 rules for a perfect mobile design

Mobile design

Today we will talk about mobile design and the 5 rules you must follow in order to develop the perfect design.

First of all, what is a mobile design? It is simply the design of the user's experiences for wearable devices such as mobile phone or tablet. The goal is to create solutions, applications or mobile responsive websites, that meet mobile users’ expectations. In order to do that we focus the user experience on the optimization of the accessibility, the discoverability and the efficiency.

A simple and smooth navigation

Firstly, you need to provide simple navigation to your users. In order to do that, you have to keep in mind that your users should be able to move from a particular screen to another easily so that they can find their desired information. In addition to that, you must check the speed of your application or mobile website with for instance Page Speed Insights. Indeed, the speed at which your pages load will have a direct impact on the fluidity of navigation.

Provide large text and touch zone

Secondly, you need to design large text and touch areas so that your users can see and activate them easily. If your call-to-action buttons for instance are too small, users will be annoyed and might leave your application for another. Another thing that you should think about is that a mobile screen is much smaller than a computer screen. In order to be seen by everybody, you must make your text larger. In other words, you have to make sure that your users will not have to zoom in on your content to see it properly.

Mobile design

Adapt your content

Don’t forget that users go on your application / website for your content. You need to adapt your content design to a mobile screen. If we take for example a contact form, you should ask for the least typing text as possible. You can design some gauges where the user can choose with their fingers.

Provide relevant experience

In order to provide a great experience, you need of course to know your target and your consumers’ needs and expectations. When you think about your mobile design, you should answer this question: what is the goal of this application / website? If you already have a website, you could use your website mobile version as an added value to provide another experience, probably more immersive. Regarding the design, you should focus on creating a single column layout which is more appropriate to a mobile screen.

Avoid obstacles

Keep in mind that an obstacle creates frustrations for your users which give them a reason to leave your application / website. In order to avoid those brakes, try to limit large pop ups which take up all mobile screens and will interrupt your users’ journey. 

To conclude, this article gives you some rules you might follow in order to design the perfect mobile design for a website or an application. You need to keep in my mind that the screen is smaller, therefore adapt your text areas, call-to-action buttons and your content. Finally, you need to be focused on the accessibility, the effectiveness and a simple and predictable navigation.

#mobiledesign #UX #content #experience

Emma Griffon

Babich, N., 2019. 8 golden rules of mobile design | Creative Bloq. [online] Creativebloq.com. Available at: <https://www.creativebloq.com/how-to/8-golden-rules-of-mobile-design> [Accessed 7 March 2021].

Ketterman, S., n.d. Mobile UX Design Constraints, Best Practices, and Working with Developers. [online] Toptal Design Blog. Available at: <https://www.toptal.com/designers/ux/mobile-ux-design-best-practices> [Accessed 7 March 2021].

Minhas, S., 2019. 8 rules of mobile design Useful Tips for Designing Mobile Apps. [online] UX Collective. Available at: <https://uxdesign.cc/8-rules-of-mobile-design-1b8d9936c241> [Accessed 7 March 2021].


  1. Hi Duchies,

    Thanks for the article, I find it relevant especially the importance of the speed of a website! Indeed, according to Gomez.com and akamai.com, 47% of the customers expect that the website will load within 2 seconds maximum. 40% of the users will abandon the website they are on if it takes more than 3 seconds, so, you might lose a lot of users if it takes too long. My question is how can you fix the speed of your website? Do you always have the hand on that, or does it come from a bad internet from the users?

    Thanks for your answer!

    1. Hi Nini,

      You are right, the speed of a website is very important! It’s true that if you have a bad internet, we can’t do much about it. However, there are some tricks you can use to speed up your website. There are more than 20 techniques to improve it, all explain in the following articles written by Crazyegg.com. For example, when you load a page, all the elements of it are going to be downloading too (the images, scrips, …), all those things require one HTTP request each. So, you need to know exactly how many requests your website makes. You can use online tools like the browser’s developer tools if you are on Google Chrome to analyze your website. Then, you can reduce the number of requests to speed up your website. As we said, there are many different techniques to do so, so we invite you to check up the link above.

      Thanks for reading us!

      Have a nice day!

      Crazyegg.com' article: https://www.crazyegg.com/blog/speed-up-your-website/


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